Tuesday, 16 October 2012


After finishing my research on action, fantasy, science fiction, my trailer will be based along the lines of "The Punisher", out of everything I've  researched. This being it will have more of a mystery/thriller twist within the genre of action, fantasy, science fiction.

Back story: 7 years ago the world started to die out along with the mankind, due to pollution in the atmosphere. To prevent danger of extinction, scientists began experiments with an combined material  on the  generation, that would change cells. Their plan was to reform them into the new environment around them. They did these by dissolving the material mixture into the water supply .

Through testing samples the scientists being to discover problems, that instead of changing the cells to adapt, the cells break down and die. However instead of stopping testing on samples they carry on, leading to enormous amount of deaths.

Narrative: The testing on young generation carries on and samples continue to fail to adapt, until
they discovered participant (Redback) in a sample had worked, that had stayed dormnt and began to combine her blood with the material. She began to develop heighten senses and reflexes, compared to everyone around her. At school her sister (Araneus) collapses and late announced died.

After the funeral, Neriene start to look deep into the research on combined material and discovers documents on sample that have failed. More than most documents on her family and finds the cause of the deaths in her family and others is due to this combined material. However documents on the top scientist in control of all these experiments is classified. Nerirene swears to make these scientists pay dearly for what has been done and avenge the death of her family.

Meanwhile more and more students fall ill. Neriene begins tracking down each scientists one by one, to find out who the head scientists is, soon after reports on the news begin to occur, explaining that they were killed by force, drinking  more of the combined material then should be taken. 

Neriene is final told where the head scientist is, then the alarm goes off before she was able to kill him and tries to escape, but all the exits are locked and is lured to the central lab, where she finds her father, Robertus Redback standing in wait, acting quickly she prevent her attack.

Redback tells her, that she is the key to the success of a new generation and this world. However, when explaining, he attempts to kill Black Widow by throwing acid towards her, but she dodges it, causing it to burn part of her mask and face. She rips it off, revealing herself to be Redback's daughter Neriene Redback. In anger, her emotions and Black Widow take over. Black Widow grabs a shard of glass and pushes it into him, he tell her not to reveal her true identity, then dies in her arms.

Neriene puts the mask back on, then delivers him to the other scientist's lab, but is spotted. At Robertus Redback funeral, Neriene swears to take revenge on those who force pain and suffering on these world.

Title: Black Widow
The title refers to the spider by that the female frequently eats the male as revenge for the violent attack on her.
This relates to the film by that my main character being female and takes her revenge on the people involved with the experiments, to show them their wrong doing and stop them.

Main characters: Protagonist
The main character is Black Widow, also known Neriene Redback. Her name come from two different spiders, her first name comes from Neriene Montana, which is a common spider and its origin is Britain and her surname is from the Redback spider origin from Australia, which is another name for the Black Widow spider.

Other characters:
 Robertus Redback, Robertus is Neriene father. His name comes from Robertus Lividus, its origin is Britain.
Araneus Redback, Araneus is Neriene little sister, who is three years younger than her. she name comes from Araneus Diadematus, which is a garden spider and its origin is Europe.

Camera shots and angles:
A camera shot is the amount of space that is seen in one shot or frame. Camera shots are used to demonstrate different aspects of a film's setting, characters and themes. As a result, camera shots are very important in shaping meaning in a film.

Different types of shots:

An extreme long shot:  Contains a large amount of landscape. It is often used at the beginning of a scene or a film to establish general location (setting). This is also known as an establishing shot.

A long shot:  Contains landscape but gives the viewer a more specific idea of setting. A long shot may show the viewers the building where the action will take place.

A full shot:  Contains a complete view of the characters. From this shot, viewers can take in the costumes of characters and may also help to demonstrate the relationships between characters. .

A mid shot: Contains the characters or a character from the waist up. From this shot, viewers can see the characters' faces more clearly as well as their interaction with other characters. This is also known as a social shot

A close-up: Contains just one character's face. This enables viewers to understand the actor's emotions and also allows them to feel empathy for the character. This is also known as a personal shot.

An extreme close-up: Contains one part of a character's face or other object. This technique is quite common in horror films, particularly the example above. This type of shot creates an intense mood and provides interaction between the audience and the viewer

Sound effects: Panic alarm

Theories include:
Barthes’ enigma code: enigma meaning puzzle

Barthes' Enigma Code is a theory that suggests a text (whether that be television, film, a poster etc.) portrays a mystery to draw an audience in, pose questions and, as such, become intrigued in the piece. For instance, a murder mystery will often not reveal the identity of the murderer until the end of the story, which poses the question "Who is the murderer?"

Todorov narrative theory

Todorov suggests that all narratives begin with equilibrium or an initial situation (where everything is balanced). This is followed by some form of disruption, which is later resolved, with the resolution at the end of the narrative a new equilibrium is usually established.

There are five stages a narrative has to pass through:

1.     The state equilibrium (state of normality- good, bad or neutral)

2.     An event  disrupts the equilibrium (a character or an action)

3.     The main protagonist recognises that the equilibrium has been disrupted.

4.     Protagonist attempts to rectify this in order to restore equilibrium.

5.     Equilibrium is restored but, because causal transformations have occurred. There are differences (good, bad or neutral) from original equilibrium, which establish it as a new equilibrium.

Claude Levi- Strauss Binary Opposition theory

Constant creation of conflict opposition propels narrative. After studying hundreds of myths and legends from around the world, Levi-Strauss observed that we make sense of the world, people and events by seeing and using binary opposites everywhere. He observed that all narratives are organised around the conflict between such binary opposites.
Examples of binary opposition:
  • Bad vs. Good
  • Peace vs. War
  • Protagonist vs. Antagonist
  • Light vs. Dark
  • Strong vs. Weak
Run through:
The beginning of the trailer will start with the institution logo
 Scene 1:
This scene starts with the back story. I would presented this by using a pan shot, to show what the science lab, where the experiments took place in. Then from that using a tilt shot into documents of the participants (samples).
Scene 2:
Scene two will show Todorov narrative theory of equilibrium to disequilibrium. The equilibrium will be shown with using different shot of Neriene normal everyday life at school with her friends.
Scene 3:
This will pretty much be the beginning of the climax. This is Neriene starting to hunt the scientists down. This scene will be presented by using two different tracking shots, one at a medium shot and one at a long shot. This will be both characters Black widow and the scientist.
Scene 4:
This will show the top of the climax. Neriene/Black widow pushes the last of the scientists against a wall, leading into a black screen of Black Widow shouting “TELL ME!”
This will be carry on from the black screen with a fade in and out of the release date and the title.
Finshed run through :

The beginning of the trailer will start with the institution logo
 Scene 1:
This scene will show Todorov narrative theory of equilibrium to disequilibrium. The equilibrium will be shown with using different shot of Neriene normal everyday life at school with her friends.
Scene 2:
Scene two will show Neriene's sister falling down and her friend runs off to get help. This scene will be represented in a long shot and meduim shot
Scene 3:
Neriene runs over to her sister and cuddles her. 
Scene4 :
This will pretty much be the beginning of the climax. This is Neriene starting to hunt one of the scientist down. This scene will be presented by using two different tracking shots, one at a medium shot and one at a long shot. This will be both characters Black widow and the scientist.
Scene5 :
This scene show Neriene catching the scientist and pushing her into the wall
This will be carry on from the black screen with a fade in and out of the release date and the title.

location shots:  
Location: Bramcote hills college sixth form, science labs
scene connection: Openning scene. This scene tells the audience a little about the back story behind the main narrative then leading in to a tilt showing documents on the experiments.

Location: Bramcote hills college sixth form, outside at the main gates.

Scene connection: This scene shows Todorov narrative theory, that all narratives begin with equilibrum (where everything is balanced). At the end of this scene the form of disruption ( her sister (Araneus) collapses)

Location: Bramcote hills college sixth form, outside the science block.

Scene connection: final scene. This shot will show the top of the climax, Neriene pushes the final sceintist, trying to find anwsers. This then leads to a blackout, with a voiceover: "TELL ME!" (Neriene)

Documents: This will be used at the beginning of the trailer as part of the back story.

Name: Robert Post                                                    
Gender: male
Age: 13

Blood line:  Post
Height: 5ft 11

Weight: 10st
Society: middle class

Status:  young adolescent (teenager)

Other details: lives at 33 Chippendale close

Sample no: 244w782b
Experiment title: Unknown

Aim: To adapt the human race to the new atmosphere caused by the dangerous increase in pollution, by the use of combined material in the water supply. This combined material re-create and changes cells
Other details: Experiment been carried out on the object to see how affective material is in this blood line
Length of experiment: FAILED

How i made the picture for the document
I stared to create the document photography with loading a photo of a friend into Photo Shop, I then began to change the background to white background by using the quick tool.
I continued with uploading an image of a failed stamp from Google to PhotoShop and as before i used thr quick tool then copy and paste on to the other image, ending with the finishing image.
 Mask: Will be used in the chase scenes of Neriene in all three shots, mid-shot, close-up shot and long shot.


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