Monday, 19 November 2012

problems with filming

There were so many problems that occur when filming with the actors. These include:

· Actors not turning up on time or at the right place

· Getting all the actors together in the same place to film

· Trying to find replacements have actors who can't make it or do it

· finding the right location at film the trailer

· when filming the actor moving, starting and laugh at the wrong time

These occur because it not a professional job and the actors would not get paid, I would have to work around them in order to film the trailer. If this was a professional job on the other hand the actors would be more focused on the trailer and I would have more time to plan everything out and film the trailer itself, this would in turn allow the results to better quality, locations and lighting. Also if any of the problems above occur then it would impact me more than anyone else. By this for example if one of the actors doesn't show up then I would have to try to find someone else at the last minute.

Also there are only certain times that I can get everyone together, due to a lot of the actors is at college five days a week and others at work. This meaning the only time I can get everyone together is on a Saturday and Sunday. However by using the right location I can solve this problem

There are also problem that occur when using the camera. These include:

· The camera not at the right angle, distance or focused

· the ground isn't clear or smooth when filming a scene using tracking

· Filming the same scene at different angle only using one camera

· The camera may break or get damaged

Like before, these problems occur because it's not a professional job and as well as that the problems the camera I would have to work around the actors, these meaning it will take time to film. Also using different distances and angles can take time as well, due to only using one camera.

There are problem that can occur when using props. These include:
  • some props can be categorised as unsafe
  • The props are not right for the settings of the film
  • Props can move and break in each scene


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

creating my institution logo

I started creating my institution logo with uploading a red eye sketch from Google to Photoshop. The thing I like most about this image is the way the red part of the eye stands out against the black and white background. When looking at the image you can see an extra red line on the corner, this was already there before hand.

The next step was to find a design for the inside of the eye, this was also uploaded from Google to Photoshop. What I like most about this image is that given the right background the image will stand out more.
As the third step, I used the quick selection tool on photoshop to select the image on its own and copy then paste onto the red eye image. After selected the symbol layer, I used the eraser tool to rub out any the symbol that wasn't needed.
The final steps I made were to add the institution tilt, 'Skinner Film Productions' then to make the institution logo more professional, using the crop tool to erase the thick black line at the top and bottom of the image away.